What Does a Solar Inverter Do?
Is it possible to live in a home without constant electric power? Probably not, unless you are comfortable living without lights and other benefits of an electric supply. But if you are wanting to do your bit for the environment, you can install a solar inverter at your home.
A solar inverter is much more than a fancy electrical appliance. It converts the power in the solar panel into consumable power for your home.
Here’s a brief overview of how it works.
It converts variable direct current (DC) into an alternating 240V current (AC). The alternating current is fed into the home, and it’s used by the home appliances. To get the best out of a solar power system, you’ve got to use a high-quality inverter. And a high-quality inverter should be built with a superb cooling system.
Now you know what solar inverters do, here are the various types of inverters on the market.
Types of Solar Inverter
There are various types of solar inverters, but you’ve got to ascertain that the inverter is approved by the Clean Energy Council (CEC) before making a choice. Also, it has to meet the Australian Standard AS 4777.
Fret not! Most of the large brands out there meet these standards, but if you come across a new brand, you’ve got to pay close attention to see if it meets these standards.
Here are the various types of solar inverters out there in the market.
- String Inverters: It’s simple, affordable, and recommended for most homes. In a string inverter, several strings (of solar panels) are connected to an inverter. To get the best out of the setup, the inverter must be mounted on an external wall, which is always near the switchboard in a home.
- Microinverters: In a microinverter, each solar panel has a microinverter. The upside is — you don’t lose the entire setup if a panel fails. In case of failure of a panel, you will merely lose the output of that single panel.
- Hybrid inverters: In simple terms, hybrid inverters are string inverters with a storage battery.
- Battery inverters: When a storage battery is connected to a solar setup, you will get a dedicated battery inverter.
- Power optimisers: They are not entirely inverters. They are merely fitted to a string inverter or strings of panels.
Choosing a solar panel is one step. The heavy lifting comes during the installation process — and that’s where Voltfix Electrical comes into play.
Voltfix Electrical helps you with all your electrical, air conditioning, and solar power needs. You can reach out by calling 1300 500 832 or shoot an email to admin@voltfixelectrical.com.au.